1. How important is early detection in children's vision?

    Answer: Early intervention is the key to success .
    80% of learning comes through vision.
    By at least age 3 or 4, the child needs a comprehensive eye exam. And even 6 months old is not too early.
    They won't outgrow a " lazy eye" or undetected eye problem.

  2. Isn't a school vision screening or Pediatrician screening good enough?

    Answer: No.
    Although school screenings, nurses, and pediatricians are extremely valuable, they don't take the place of a comprehensive eye exam by an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist .

    In fact, school screenings can give a false sense of security. There are visual skills necessary for reading beyond just reading an eye chart. If kids frequently lose their place while reading , they may benefit from glasses or vision exercises or therapy .
    Vision Therapy is training of the eyes that help problems glasses alone do not.

  3. What are symptoms of children's eye problems?

    Decreased performance in school
    Aversion to reading
    Excessive blinking
    Rubbing eyes
    Can't see 3-D movies

    Also, remember Pediatricians recommend only 2 hours of screen time per day . Screen time includes : Television,Computer, computer games, video games , hand held video games, and IPads.

  4. What are some serious disorders of the eye you look for in an exam?

    Most common are severe nearsightedness( myopia) , astigmatism ,or farsightedness ( hyperopia) that can be corrected with glasses.
    More serious conditions may need surgery or vision therapy such as Esotropia , where the eye turns in, or  Exotropia where the eye turns out.
    Amblyopia(or lazy eye) affects  3 to 5% of the population it is where the brain does not use one eye and it can only be detected through an eye examination.If not caught or treated by age 8, the child can be left with permanent visual impairment.  

    Children typically  will NOT outgrow these  conditions ,they need treatment.

    A more rare but life threatening condition is a fast growing eye tumor called retinoblastoma . It is life threatening because the proximity of the eye is so close to the brain that fast intervention is critical. This is a condition that parents might notice by looking at pictures of the eyes and noticing a "white pupil."

    The eye needs to be dilated in order to detect this condition.

    Lastly, Shaken Baby Syndrome is a social issue that is on the rise, and it causes brain and retinal hemorrhage, as well as detachment and death. Although it is NEVER ok to shake ANY child, but particularly Children up to age 3 do not have strong enough neck muscles to protect  the vital organs from damage.

    It is fine to bounce a baby on your knee in a playful manner, but Shaken Baby Syndrome   happens when a forceful angry shaking occurs by an adult.

  5. Where do I go for good information on Children's vision?

    Ask your local eye care provider personal questions.


    AOA.org. AMERICAN Optometric Association Look for InfantSEE program
     It is a no cost public health program for early detection in the first year of life

    dontshake.org.       National center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
    AAP.org(American Academy of Pediatrics)

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